Teh Scary Cartridge

I was a 90's kid and I loved Nintendo games, one night I was looking on teh ebays and I found a gameboy that was selling for teh price of 1 dolla! The description said that it was owned by some random kid who drowned or some crap and it was being sold by a man named 666Death, but I ignored it. I waited a few days for it to come to my house through teh fed ex, and when it came I opened the box and found that the gameboy came with a game cartridge for a pokemon game called pokemon demon red edition and it had hyper-realistic blood on the cover, I looked at the gameboy and it also had teh hyper-realistic blood on it 2! I turned the gameboy on and hyper-realistic blood started coming out of the screen and a deep hyper-realistic voice said "I am the devil bow down before me!" I was terrified but I remembered that i just had to just switch it off. When I turned it off teh gameboy screen had a picture on it. The scariest part was that teh picture was of u! And then I suideided.